G I R L S ’ R O O M
Completed in Fall 2019 as part of the Fall One Room Challenge

Can you believe we waited until week five of the One Room Challenge to start on the custom pieces!? Yeah, I agree. We crazy.
The majority of the prints we purchased for our girls’ shared bedroom resemble them both in some way. Representation matters.
Give me all the texture and pattern please and thank you. Welcome to week 3 of the One Room Challenge!
Welcome to Week 2 of the One Room Challenge! Can you believe we actually made some progress in the girls shared bedroom?
Uh oh! Guess what day it is? Guess. what. day. it. is? It’s the One Room Challenge (ORC) kick-off and for the FIRST TIME EVER yours truly is joining in on the fun as a guest participant.
It’s One Room Challenge Reveal Day! This room was definitely a labor of love and in the end, the girls have an updated, functional, and organized space that we ALL love!