Our New Home

Okay, okay, so apparently I have some explaining to do, especially after disappearing off social media for six+ months. But here’s the deal. I had some personal things going on in my life and the way I deal with my issues is by self-isolating. I took some time to myself, time to heal, and time to focus on real life issues vs. putting on façade on social media. I’m not going to lie, I missed sharing and missed you all, but 1). I’m a pretty private person and didn’t feel comfortable sharing too much of what was going on in my life outside of DIY/Home design. and 2). your girl was stressed! We found ourselves right smack in the middle of the crazy housing market and trust me when I say, any and every horror story you’ve heard about bidding wars, overpriced homes and overall desperation is facts! I put every ounce of my energy to find us a new home and thank goodness it paid off. We have a new (old) home for our family and have been spending the past month or so getting settled and adjusted.

I think the best way to introduce our 1973 fixer upper is to just jump right into it with some listing photos here. You’ll see that we were able to see past what some may consider “deal breakers” and instead saw potential, potential, and more potential. We’re in a great neighborhood, have more space, and can’t wait to slowly transform this house into the perfect home for our family.

I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is yes, we left our newly renovated kitchen in exchange for this old charmer. And to be honest, I have zero plans to jump right into another kitchen renovation. For now, we’ll just learn to live and love the kitchen as is, and plan for a renovation in the near (or far) future.

When house hunting, I had three items on my “would like to have” list. A sunroom, enclosed deck, and/or a fireplace. Can you believe this house has ALL THREE!

A full blown basketball court wasn’t on the wish list haha, but what a fun surprise! Unfortunately, some of these large pine trees will have to go, and we’re going to have to tear down the shed and rebuild since the wood is pretty rotted.

Welcome to our future study / my office. I’m picturing a tone on tone room with a wall dedicated to storage and books, a desk in the front window, and a large vintage rug.

Future sight of our formal dining room or perhaps we extend the kitchen and add a large pantry here? decisions, decisions.

There’s 4-bedrooms and a LARGE primary bedroom. I have no idea what to do with all this extra space, and I also have no energy to remove all this wallpaper. Send help.

And that’s it. So much potential here right? Can you see it?