Hey There Toots

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One Room Challenge - Week Four - Girls' Shared Bedroom

Week four of the One Room Challenge is here which means it’s time for me to start replacing all the blue FrogTape painters tape on the walls with actual framed artwork. The majority of the art we purchased resembles our girls in some way, so hearing them excitedly say, “Hey, she looks like me!” has meant more than anything else these past four weeks. Representation matters and it was important to me to include art that the girls could see themselves in. Art that shows the beauty and diversity of their natural hair and beautiful brown skin.

When designing their room I wanted to bring in pieces of art that look like them and reflect their interests and personalities. Our six-year-old, Jerai, loves getting her hair braided and adding hair jewelry, beads, barrettes, and bows. While our five-year-old, Jurnee, is the princess of poofs and laid edges. Every morning she asks me to “do her baby hair” which btw can only be done one way - toothbrush and edge control okay! I love these Eeni prints so much! The hairstyles match perfectly and the design and colors fit in so well with their bedroom. Can you see the pink, purple, and green in the prints? The same colors being used in their bedroom. Fate I tell ya! FATE.

Isn’t this drawing the cutest? Jerai, is our advanced super reader and has been reading since age four. She’s already on chapter books! This drawing perfectly depicts her, curled up in her bed, entranced by a good book.

Jurnee is our little creative fashionista. She loves to draw and color, as well as experiment with her style and fashion. She’s most definitely the coolest five-year-old I’ve ever met.

Aww look at them. Pretending to read in this staged photo. These two have been so easy going throughout this entire process. I’m so glad we’re finally giving them a beautiful and organized space of their own.

Check-in next week for our last post before the big reveal! Hopefully we’ll be able to share a sneak peek of their custom dresser ;-) Also, don’t forget to click the logo below to see other guest participants.